Friday, August 13, 2010

Excerpt read by teacher

Excerpt of Speech given by Dr Eric Williams at a rally for school children on August 30 1962 (the eve of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago)
And, so I say to you, young people: forward to Independence. Do not allow anyone to disrespect our National Flag. Do not allow anyone to destroy one single National Bird. Do not allow anyone to desecrate our National Anthem. They are your flag, your Bird, your Anthem. It is your nation even more than it is the nation of your parents. You are the future. We are at best the present, at worst the past.
To your tender and loving hands, the future of the nation is entrusted. In your innocent hearts, the pride of the nation is inscribed. On your scholastic development, the salvation of the nation is dependent.
When you return to your classes after Independence, remember, therefore, each and every one of you that you carry the future of Trinidad and Tobago in your school bags.
(This second reading will be a recording of the teacher reading the excerpt. This will give the students an opportunity to hear what an accurate reading sounds like)

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